What's the Sign Permit? 什么是招牌许可证?Sign Permit is a mandatory requirement from the municipal government for most outdoor signs such as channel letters, signs box, cut out letters, ground signs and pylon signs. All the sizes, position, material, structural and installation method must meet with City By-law. Of courses, the different municpal government has the different Sign By-Law, for the details, please check it directly with your local City or its webiste.
招牌许可证是加拿大各地地方政府硬性的规定,几乎所有室外的招牌都需要申请,比如立体发光字,灯箱,不发光立体字,大型路边牌。成功的获得招牌许可证,必须要求招牌的尺寸,安装位置,材料,结构和安装方法完全符合当地政府的法律要求。当然,不同的地区政府,对招牌的要求也不尽相同,如果您想了解更多资讯,请亲身前去咨询,或者查询他们的地方网站。 FAQ for Sign Permit / 招牌许可证常见问题 1. When I need to apply for the sign permit? 什么样的情况下需要申请招牌许可证? Generally, there are two principles to help you to judge whether or not you have to apply the permit from City. 简单的说,有两种方法帮您去判断您的招牌是否需要申请招牌许可证。 The 1st one your sign is a outdoor sign or indoor sign. If it is outdoor sign, most of the cases are required to apply for the sign permit. If it is a indoor sign, the answer is NO. However, there are some special case, for example, City of Mississauga, the indoor signs in the big shopping mall (Square One) are also required for the permit. For the details, please check it with your City. 第一种方法是,您的招牌是室外还是室内。如果是室外,通常都需要申请。如果是室内,就不需要。但是也有一些特例,比如密西沙加政府要求一些大型商场室内的招牌也需要申请。详细信息,请向当地政府咨询。 The 2nd princeple is, if you have a existing sign, whether or not you have change the current sign structure? If no, such as reface, you don't need to apply for the pemit. If yes, you have to. 第二种方法是,您如果已经有招牌了,新的招牌是否会改变现有招牌的结构。如果不是,比如灯箱换画面,就不需要申请。如果是,就必须申请。 2. How to Apply the Sign Permit? 如何申请招牌许可证? Once your decide to start the sign permit application, you must prepare the following sign permit mandatory docuements first: 开始申请招牌许可证,您必须准备好一下政府所需的必要文件 a) Building site plan includes your sign position, your unit, property line / 建筑平面图包括您的招牌位置,您的单位号,物业线 b) Graphic drawing for your sign / 您的招牌效果图 c) Strucutral drawing for your sign / 您的招牌生产和安装结构图 d) Client's Approval Letter / 您的招牌设计审批信 e) Landlord's Appproval Letter / 您的房东对招牌审计的审批信 f) City Sign Permit Application Form / 当地政府招牌申请表 3. What's the lead time for the sign permit application? 招牌许可证需要申请多长时间? In order the prepare the mandatory documents required by City, it usually take 1-2 weeks. For City to process your application, it usually take 3-4 weeks and the different City has the different lead time. We get the questions from Client, "I know City Councillor and can he/her helps me to process the application faster"? The answer is NO. Why? becuase, nobody can break the By-Law in Canada. As per our several years experiences, the only way can help you to get the permit faster is working closly with your signage contractor. 准备政府所需的申请材料通常需要1-2周时间,政府审批您的申请需要3-4周的时间。不同的地方的政府审批速度不同,通常大的政府比较慢,小的政府比较快。有些顾客告诉我们,他跟当地政府的议员比较熟悉,是否可以快一些的申请好,答案是,不可能。加拿大是个法制比较完善的国家,任何人是没有办法越过法律的。根据我们多年的经验,唯一的办法就是顾客和招牌公司密切配合,尽量缩短一些申请文件的准备时间。 4. Can we fabricate and install the sign without the sign permit? 可以在不申请招牌许可证的情况下,生产和安装招牌吗? We don't recommand any of our clients to install their signs without the sign permit. If you insisit to do it, Skycore Signs as your signage contractor will not take any responsebility for the future penalty from City. Usually, City inspector will randomly check the sign permit on the street. If they find your sign without the permit, you will receive a letter to ask you taking down the sign within several weeks, some penalty will maybe applied. At this moment, you have two chocies, one is repply the sign permit, another one is taking down the signs and pay the penalty. 我们不建议任何顾客在没有获取招牌许可证的情况下让我们生产和安装招牌。如果您一定坚持,中天招牌将不会负责之后一切法律责任和罚款。通常,政府人员会不定期上街抽查,如果发现您的招牌没有许可证,您会收到一封政府信,要求您在几周之内拆除招牌,有些时候会有一定数额的罚款。在这种情况下,您可以选择重新提交招牌许可证申请,或者拆除招牌,缴纳罚款。 5. How much for the Sign Permit Application Fee? 招牌许可证的费用是多少? Genernally, there are two fees for the sign pemmit application. One is the application fee charged by City, it is from $150 to $1,000 depdening on your signanage size, type and City. Another one is the application processing fee charged by Skycore Signs, it is depending on your job. Sometimes, the Engieering Stamp is required by City for your signage sturcutre drawings, the addtional cost will be applied. 通常招牌许可证有两种费用。一种是市政府收取的申请费,150加币至1000加币不等。一种是中天招牌帮您准备申请材料的费用。具体收费根据您的招牌尺寸,样式而定。有些时候,政府需要对一些比较重的招牌,要求有证书的加拿大结构工程师盖章认证,会有一些额外费用。具体请和我们查询。 6. Other than the sign permit, do we need to apply other permit before the installation as per By-Law? 除了招牌可证之外,安装之前,还需要申请其他一些许可证吗? Yes, some other type permit related to the sign has to apply before the installation. Below is an instructions for your reference. 是的,根据您招牌所在的不同区域,您招牌的种类还有一些其他的许可证可能需要申请,一下是一些简单的介绍,请供参考。